The longevity diet

If a drug could do all this, everyone would know about it Can the diet you eat really affect the aging process? Yes! The choices you make, day in and day out, will greatly influence how long you live and how healthy you are. For example, studies of identical twins have found diet and lifestyle […]

One of the Most Important Factors in Chronic Disease The immune system is designed to defend us from foreign invaders such as bacteria and to clean up damaged tissue after injury so that proper healing can take place. As we age, however, our immune systems turn against us. Inflammaging is the seemingly paradoxical state of […]
Is your cholesterol too low?

Cholesterol: Curse of Modern Society or Misunderstood Scapegoat? If there is one lab number people know about themselves, it’s got to be their blood cholesterol value. This should not be the case. There exists much misinformation when it comes to serum cholesterol, its role in cardiovascular disease and its impact on health. I can’t say […]
Change Your Breakfast, Change Your Life

The Glycemic Index of Your Breakfast – a Major Determinant of Your State of Health If you’re having a bad day (or a bad life for that matter!), your breakfast (or lack thereof) may be to blame. As crazy as that may sound, I think you will shortly have a new appreciation for why breakfast […]
Don’t Count Calories, Just Burn Them

The New Science of Weight Loss If you want to achieve a better and healthier body you need to take advantage of cutting-edge science. After resolving to lose weight, the important factors to be addressed are: 1. Appetite control and food craving 2. Body fat loss 3. Muscle preservation and growth Appetite The best of […]
Maybe Your Thyroid Is Low Afterall!

Hypothyroidism – One of the Most Frequently Missed Diagnoses One of the most common conversations I have with new patients goes something like this: “Mrs. Jones, based on your symptoms and your health history we just discussed, I think it is likely that you have underactive thyroid function.” The patient replies to me, “Oh, no, […]
Choosing a Good Probiotic

You Get What You Pay For – Sometimes. Probiotics (“pro-life”) are supplements of beneficial organisms. Why would someone want to intentionally swallow a bunch of bacteria? Many consumers have become aware of some of the health benefits associated with such a practice. I believe the most common reason probiotics are purchased and consumed relates to […]
The Toxicity-Diabetes Connection

Environmental Toxins are Endocrine Disruptors As amazing as it may sound, toxicity can contribute to obesity and diabetes. Animal research and human epidemiological (correlative) studies have shown that xenobiotics (literally: foreign to life) or man-made chemicals that contaminate our environment, do indeed play a role in obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, autism, cancer, heart disease, psychiatric conditions, infertility […]