by Dr. Joseph Debé

Kaprex™ is a new natural plant-derived supplement that rapidly and effectively relieves pain and inflammation without causing adverse side effects. Kaprex is the first natural product to be manufactured utilizing state-of-the-art proteomic evaluation.  This process is a revolutionary advancement in the production of dietary supplements, which leads to formulation of products scientifically validated to be safe and effective.

The value of Kaprex is its combination of effectiveness and safety. There are other natural pain-relievers and anti-inflammatory formulas that are safe but Kaprex has been found to be 250% more effective than the best of these products. On the other hand, there are anti-inflammatory medications that are powerful and fast-acting, but these have adverse side effects. Kaprex has been found to be as potent as the medications but does not have the same toxic side effects.

Every year, an estimated 16,500 arthritis patients die from gastrointestinal damage due to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs are responsible for 103,000 hospitalizations per year. The newer prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Vioxx and Celebrex, were purported to be advancements because they did not damage the gastrointestinal lining. As it turns out, those claims were false; long-term use of these medications can indeed produce gastrointestinal toxicity. These medications are primarily prescribed for relieving the pain associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Other medications that are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include ibuprofen and aspirin. These are available without prescription and carry the same risk of side effects. People often use these medications for a variety of aches and pains, including headaches and menstrual cramps.

Both the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Kaprex work by reducing the concentration of a body chemical called prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), but they do so through different mechanisms. PGE2 is a powerful hormone-like chemical that is responsible for producing the majority of the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and other conditions.

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce levels of PGE2 by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme that manufactures it. Unfortunately, not only is PGE2 production reduced in joints but it is also reduced in gastrointestinal and other tissues. A certain level of PGE2 is necessary to keep gastrointestinal tissues healthy. When PGE2 is deficient, ulceration can occur. What’s more, effects on related compounds in the blood can increase blood clotting and lead to problems. NSAIDs can also worsen kidney disease.

Kaprex works through a safer, “upstream” mechanism. It reduces the excessive formation of the PGE2-producing enzyme, rather than inhibiting its activity. It does this at the gene level. It appears to actually reduce the message to the genes to manufacture the enzyme! This makes all the difference in production of side effects. The net effect is that Kaprex is active in joint tissues without affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Kaprex has been tested in a model cell system to assess its potential for negative impact on the gastrointestinal lining. It was found to be very safe. Actually, one of the ingredients in Kaprex has been found to improve healing of gastric ulcers in animals.

The way Kaprex was developed is fascinating and represents a breakthrough in nutritional supplement formulation. First, more than 150 various natural compounds with evidence of anti-inflammatory activity were selected to be screened for in-vitro (test tube) influence on inflammatory chemical formation. Three outstanding compounds were singled out for further testing. These were a hops extract, rosemary extract, and oleanolic acid from olive leaf. These three compounds were tested in different combinations and a specific ratio was found to produce significant synergy. Synergy is the phenomenon of the combination of multiple agents producing a greater effect than the sum of the effects of the individual components. The proprietary formulation found in Kaprex was found to be 50% more powerful than the sum of the individual ingredients.

Next, a study was done to make sure Kaprex was absorbable and bioavailable. Six subjects were supplemented on different days with one Kaprex, three Kaprex, or one Celebrex. Their blood was drawn prior to dosing and at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours after dosing. The blood samples were analyzed for their ability to reduce PGE2 levels in a cell model system. Kaprex worked quickly and maintained effectiveness through 6 hours, with activity beginning to decrease at 8 hours. One tablet of Kaprex appeared to be as effective as one capsule of Celebrex and worked more rapidly. As would be expected, three tablets of Kaprex produced a significantly greater effect than did one tablet.

The final type of research conducted with Kaprex to date, is human case studies. Three representative cases have been published, although Kaprex has been used by thousands of people. Kaprex was found to produce powerful relief of pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis. The dosage used ranged from 1 pill three times daily to 2 pills twice daily.

Several beneficial “side effects” have been found to be fairly common with Kaprex use. These include reduction in hot flashes and night sweats and a lowering of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels. Hs-CRP, an inflammatory protein, is an independent cardiovascular disease risk factor and is associated with other conditions including obesity and diabetes.

Kaprex use has also been found to be associated with a reduction in urinary levels of n-telopeptides – compounds derived from bone. N-telopeptides are routinely measured to assess a person’s rate of bone-loss. The greater the amount of n-telopeptides found in the urine, the more quickly the bones are breaking down. Inflammation does indeed spur bone-loss, so it is not surprising that Kaprex should reduce bone breakdown.

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