Whether you’re dealing with a chronic disease or are striving for optimal wellness and longevity, ProLon® may be your single most powerful prescription. And although it produces incredible fat loss, you don’t have to be overweight to benefit from it. I use ProLon® and I am not overweight.
In a few short years of being on the market, ProLon® has become king of the nutrition world. Before it came into being, however, millions of dollars of research grants and years of research by Dr. Volter Longo and the Longevity Institute laid the groundwork. The dozens of published papers on the Fasting-Mimicking Diet (FMD), which is named ProLon®, are tremendous and are attracting interest from institutions around the world. ProLon® has the distinction of being the only diet ever to be the subject of a New England Journal of Medicine article. It has been discussed in 3 articles in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The Fasting-Mimicking Diet holds the only patent ever awarded for “promoting tissue/organ regeneration, longevity and healthspan”! It holds the only patent awarded for reversing diabetes. It has been awarded five other patents and dozens more are in the pipeline.
ProLon® produces ketosis (burning fat for fuel) but differs from ketogenic diets in a number of ways. Ketogenic diets do have powerful health benefits, including some that are important for neurological conditions. One study compared ProLon® with a ketogenic diet in an animal model of multiple sclerosis. ProLon® was found to be more than 3 times as effective in reducing disease activity.
Prolonged fasting (4 or more days) has biological effects not seen with ketogenic diets, time-restricted eating, or intermittent fasting. These other ways of eating do have positive effects on health and weight loss but fall short of the regenerative effects of prolonged fasting. It takes several days of fasting to cause the body to begin significant “pruning” of damaged components (a process called autophagy), which is followed by stem cell production. The boost in stem cells causes regeneration.
Before there was ProLon®, Dr. Volter Longo wanted to study the effects of fasting on patients undergoing conventional cancer treatment. Even though they were motivated, the vast majority of subjects quit after just 2 days of fasting – it was too tough. Dr. Longo set out to come up with another way. After years of research he determined the key food-sensing pathways in the body to be mTOR, PKA, and IGF-1. Next, he researched and determined the dietary components that triggered these pathways. If the pathways are not triggered, the body responds as if it is fasting. ProLon® is the culmination of this research and allows for the consumption of a precise amount and composition of food that flies below the food-sensing radar of the body. Forty-two different plant ingredients are combined in specific amounts to accomplish this.

ProLon® solves the deprivation and hardship of water-only fasting. Five days was determined to be the ideal length of time to follow ProLon®. This is optimal for cellular clean-up, stem cell-based regeneration, and muscle mass preservation. Muscle loss is a risk with water fasting. Prolonged fasting may also have a deleterious effect on immune function. Again, ProLon® is an advancement in this area, as well. Resumption of normal eating after 5 days provides the building blocks for stem cells to build new healthy tissue.
Animals treated with the Fasting-Mimicking Diet have evidence of stem cell regeneration in a number of organs of the body. Immune regeneration, slowed bone loss, and improved memory were found. The FMD increased longevity.
ProLon® was compared with water-only fasting in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease. Again, ProLon® was found to be more effective in improving disease status. One reason ProLon® may be superior to water-only fasting is its effect on the microbiome – the bacteria living within the gastrointestinal tract. Unlike water-fasted animals, animals in the Fasting-Mimicking Diet group were found to have an increase in beneficial species of bacteria: lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. When bacteria from the colons of the animals that had undergone the Fasting-Mimicking Diet were transplanted into untreated diseased animals there was significant improvement!
ProLon® has potential in cancer treatment. In animal studies, ProLon® is almost as effective as chemotherapy in treating cancer. One animal study found a chemotherapy drug alone was associated with 36% survival. When the Fasting-Mimicking Diet was added to the drug, survival rates soared to 96%.
The Fasting-Mimicking Diet has several beneficial effects in patients treated with chemotherapy: Healthy cells go into stress-resistance mode, which shields them from the drug’s toxicity, while cancer cells become more susceptible to the drug’s effect. The Fasting-Mimicking Diet also increases the number of healthy active immune T cells that target and attack cancer cells.
The Fasting-Mimicking Diet has been studied in women with breast cancer. All of the women were treated with chemotherapy. Those who also received ProLon® had significantly greater tumor shrinkage.
Other completed human studies on ProLon® have found benefit for both mind and body. When added to conventional therapy, ProLon® had a beneficial effect on depression.
The aesthetic effects of ProLon® are not limited to reduced body fat and waist circumference. A recent study found benefit for skin, as well. Women were evaluated with objective imaging technology and also rated the results for themselves. Three monthly cycles of ProLon® resulted in improvements in fine lines, dryness, radiance, clarity, smoothness, and evenness of skin tone.
ProLon® has been found to reduce inflammation, body fat, waist circumference, blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol, as well as blood pressure, and the degenerative disease biomarker, IIGF-1. In a study evaluating change in cardiovascular disease risk factors, 4 cycles of ProLon® performed as well as 4 months of the Mediterranean diet. Amazingly, 5 days of ProLon® per month for four months – a total of 20 days of diet change – had the same benefits as 120 consecutive days of Mediterranean diet adherence.
Because of this, I recommend most individuals use ProLon® four months in a row to start. When health goals are achieved, they can be maintained with 1 cycle of ProLon® every 3 to 6 months. Such determinations need to be individualized. ProLon® is contraindicated in certain situations such as active infection, BMI less than 18, and allergy to it’s ingredients.
Individuals with type 2 diabetes may want to do 6 consecutive monthly cycles of ProLon®. A recently published study examined the effects of ProLon® on type 2 diabetics. As with other studies, the treatment involved 5 days of dietary change per month; participants were instructed to resume their typical diets for the other 25 days of the month. The results? Amazing! There was an average reduction of hemoglobin A1C (average 3 month blood sugar levels) of 1.4%. HOMA-IR, a measurement of insulin resistance, improved by 59% [This is important for non-diabetics, as well. Insulin resistance contributes to chronic diseases of aging and a multitude of symptoms. A recent study found 88% of Americans to have insulin resistance.] Six cycles of FMD resulted in 22 pounds weight loss. Last but not least, subjects reduced their diabetes medications by an average of 67%.
The effect of ProLon® on measures of biological age in humans was examined. Three consecutive monthly cycles of ProLon® was found to reduce markers of biological age by 2.5 years! (Study)
ProLon® may hold the world record for nutritional research. There are dozens of human clinical trials underway. These are investigating the effect of the the Fasting-Mimicking Diet on a variety of age-related diseases.
Lose unhealthy fat, resist disease, and extend your healthspan with ProLon®.
You can buy ProLon® in my office or online, using this link to get the best current sales price: Click here