If you are interested in being tested for the novel coronavirus (CVID-19), there is a new option. Rather than testing for the virus directly, a test that measures antibodies to the virus can be done from a tube of blood. The collection can be made in your home, if you like. Soon, there will hopefully be a finger stick collection version that can do away with the need for a phlebotomist.
This initial version of the test has already been validated on 2 million people in Wuhan China. It is being offered by KBMO Diagnostics of Boston, Massachusetts.
If you are symptomatic, you should consult your doctor. If you can’t get a nasal swab or other test for the virus, this new test can help. If you feel fine, but would like to see if you have been infected by the coronavirus, the KBMO Diagnostics COVID-19 Rapid Test can determine that, as well.
This blood test measures IgM and IgG antibodies to the most sensitive antigen of the virus. An elevated antibody result indicates that you have been infected. Depending which antibody is elevated, an estimate can be made whether you are still contagious. If the test is negative, you are unlikely to be a danger in transmitting the virus to anyone (very early infection precedes antibody response – maybe by a day or two). If you have an elevated antibody then you may be immune from repeat infection. A positive test, showing resolved infection, gives the knowledge needed to be out in public without concern for infecting others or yourself.
COVID-19 Rapid Test is not covered by insurance. The fee is $150 for the test, which includes overnight shipping with an additional fee for the blood draw. If you can go to AccuReference Lab in New Hyde Park, the blood draw fee is $20. If you want to schedule for a phlebotomist to come to your home for the blood draw, the fee is $100.00 for the first and $50.00 for each additional draw at the same location. The test results take about 3-4 days from start to finish. Let me know if you are interested in the test and we can arrange it.

IgM antibodies rise first and if found elevated, indicate active infection and contagion. Low levels of IgM with elevated IgG indicates past infection.