Want your penis to work? Try flossing your teeth…but skip the mouthwash!
A Holistic Approach to Erectile Dysfunction…And Vascular Health Erectile dysfunction can have multiple causes but the single greatest factor is unhealthy blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction (or E. D.) is a sign of potential trouble brewing in the arteries and a warning of increased risk to future heart attack and stroke. So, you ladies who may […]
How about some Lime with that Coronavirus?
There are numerous phytochemicals that have potential to be of benefit in battling COVID-19. Phytochemicals are, of course, found in plants. One food that contains several phytochemicals of interest is citrus: lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits. Constituents of citrus appear to be among the most potent of food-derived natural substances to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 (the […]
Will it be smooth sailing or a train wreck if you catch the coronavirus?: Clues to COVID-19 severity.
COVID-19 should be a wake-up call for the American health care system – and most Americans. We should not be seeing the hospitalization and death rates that we have in this country. COVID-19 is the disease that results from infection with SARS-CoV-2, otherwise known as the novel coronavirus. In most cases, people infected with this […]
Top Nutraceuticals & Botanicals for COVID-19!
I have been reviewing research on the nutritional supplements that can have a beneficial impact on COVID-19, with the intention of providing a list of these. I also intended to highlight some of these in a thorough way in separate newsletters. I have already done this with NAC and selenium. The institute for Functional Medicine has made my […]
NAC is being studied in COVID-19. Should you take it?
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a sulfur-containing amino acid with a multitude of beneficial health effects. And yes, it does have application for COVID-19 or I would find it difficult spending time on It right now. NAC has been the subject of several studies on a number of viruses, going back decades. It has been found […]
KBMO Diagnostics COVID-19 Rapid Test – new novel coronavirus antibody test
If you are interested in being tested for the novel coronavirus (CVID-19), there is a new option. Rather than testing for the virus directly, a test that measures antibodies to the virus can be done from a tube of blood. The collection can be made in your home, if you like. Soon, there will hopefully […]
Why do so many weird, nasty viruses come from China?
The novel coronavirus, which is the cause of COVID-19, is just the latest of a number of disease-causing viruses to apparently spring forth from China. In 1957 China gave us the Asian flu. Then in 1968, the Hong Kong flu killed about one million people. In 2003, Guangdong, China was the birthplace of SARS – […]
Vibrant COVID-19 Immunecheck – My top choice for coronavirus antibody tests
The Vibrant COVID-19 Immunecheck is, in my opinion, the best test for SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus) antibodies. This blood test measures antibodies to 4 different antigens of the virus. Any elevated antibody result indicates that you have been infected. Depending which antibody is elevated, an estimate can be made whether you are still contagious. If you have an […]
You call that healthcare? The pathetic conventional approach to Hashimoto’s.
If all you do for your Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is take thyroid hormone replacement, you need to know that everything is not fine. Hashimoto’s is an alarm that your body is under attack – and a prescription is not the answer. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, like other autoimmune diseases, results from your immune system attacking you. In the […]
What the Drug Companies Don’t Want You to Know About Heart Disease!
“Most patients with heart disease do not have a classic lipid disorder.” I heard those words spoken last night by a leading researcher in cholesterol and heart disease. I had the distinct pleasure of attending a lecture by world-expert Dr. Robert Superko entitled, “Going Beyond LDL: The Scientific Evidence”. Dr. Superko started off the evening […]