Acid-Alkaline Balance

The body’s systemic pH balance is a critical factor in health. Modern day diets and lifestyles are acid-producing. When the body is too acid, nothing works as it should. Having an acid pH is associated with increased pain and inflammation, impaired healing, accelerated bone and muscle loss, and generalized inefficiencies of enzyme and hormone activity. What’s more, an acid environment fosters the growth of opportunistic infections and tumor cells.

The body’s acid-alkaline balance can be assessed by testing the first morning urine. You will need a roll of pH paper with a scale of about 5.5 to 8.0. It is best to test the first urine after you are up for the day. Tear off a strip of paper from the roll. Dip the paper into the urine. You can test the urine midstream or collect the urine in a cup and dip the paper into it. Do not test urine in the toilet. Pull out the paper and match the color to the enclosed chart. Write down the number that corresponds with the color. Do this for five days in a row. The values should average between about 6.6 and 7.2. If your numbers are lower, your body is probably too acidic.

Excessive acidity can be neutralized by eating more alkaline-forming foods (fruits and vegetables) and taking alkaline-forming supplements. The most important of these is probably potassium bicarbonate.